While I am still searching for funding I am working on some other very important steps....claiming what is "mine".
About a year ago I set up an S-Corp, with the help of my super savvy brother-in-law who just happens to be an attorney. It has been the easiest step so far. I just gave him the info and signed the papers! As quickly as I could thank him, 36 Charlemagne, Inc. was born! The name came from the address where I grew up on in Huntington Bay, NY. Well, actually, we used a different street name, but that is a long story. I think it is the perfect name for my company, simply because it was my home for so long, as this S-Corp will be for my other projects in the future. You see, I have a plethora of ideas that I want to do, and they will each have their own names, but will all be housed under 36 Charlemagne, Inc. The panty line is what I am most excited about, and what I know the most about, so that is what is happening first.
Just the other night I bought the domain name...36Charlemagne.com. If you go to the site at this very moment you will only see the GoDaddy add page. I haven't set anything up yet, but am working on that. Any web designers out there who want to add to their portfolio?
I am also working on trademarking the name I want to use for the panty line. I'd love to disclose the name I am thinking of now, but it will have to wait until it is legally mine. I think it is a fun, catchy name! Well, trademarking can be a bit tricky. First you have to do an initial search online at the USPTO site. I have done every search from basic to advanced, and have not seen my name to be taken. This is great, right?! Well, the fine print states that just because the site says it is available does not mean that it actually is. What?! You have to go to an actual library to do a more thorough search. Luckily there is one in every state. So what is the point of having an online database if you have to go to an office anyway? In my opinion, the government is looking for a reason to deny your application and keep the non-refundable $250+ fee. They know that lots of people will skip over the fine print, get excited that they do not see that their idea is taken, and send in their hard earned money, only to be denied. Sneaky sneaky.
So I will hopefully make it to this trademark office this week. Hopefully. Jack is being Christened this weekend, finally. I have a ton to do for it. I have yet to get an outfit for afterwards, so that is priority. Luckily we have a Christening gown, thanks to my sister Britt...it was hers, and perfect because she is the godmother. Sorry Jack, but you will be wearing a girl's gown...they all look the same anyway. Let's just hope it fits him. Good thing I can do alterations!